LP Innovation shines with versatile, undulating chimes.
The Latin Percussion Double Folding Bar Chime offers lots of versatility. When folded, the instrument
shrinks to a compact profile that will be very popular with drum set players who find space is at a premium. In a moment,
the percussionist can fold the frame down to a 12-bar expanse that extends three rows deep. The resulting dense configuration
elicits a more complex, thicker, multi-pitched shimmer.
When extended, the bars are configured so that a broad sweep
produces an intriguing glissando that goes from high-to-low-to-high-to-low pitches - a pleasing and captivating undulation.
Played wide-open (extended) or closed (folded three rows deep), the chimes emit delightfully crisp and glassy timbres. The
LP Double Folding Bar Chime provides the creative musician with an alternative to the conventionally configured chime sequence,
which runs from low to high pitches. The folding design is so unique that a patent is forthcoming.
From the luxurious
red-brown stained hardwood frame to the expanse of thirty-six hardened aluminum chimes, each 3/8" in girth and attached with
high-strength braided cord, the LP Double-Folding Bar Chime is, at first glance, something you want to touch and to play.
The juxtaposition of the rich, dark hardwood with the bright sheen of 36 gleaming, pitched bars is compelling.
new chime set includes the sturdy LP236D Bar Chime Mount. And the LP Double Folding Bar Chimes come in a reusable package
that protects the instrument in storage and transport. There is nothing else to buy.
Latin Percussion Double Folding 36-Bar Chimes with Mount Features:
- 36 bars foldable to 3 rows of 12 bars
- Hardwood frame
Morphs into a shape ideal for any percussion setup. Order today.