Recommended Music Books and Instructional DVD Videos
From learning how to promote your band and getting gigs to teaching yourself guitar and understanding Pro Tools, OnlineRock has compiled a list of books and videos to help you in your musical journey. Some are from Musician's Friend and some are from our partners. We also
offer deals on equipment and software for
musicians of any level.
To Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet
This easy-to-read guide to online music promotion will
provide you with all the knowledge you need to sell music
on the internet! Find out how and where to target visitors
most likely to buy your music, design a web site that
will increase your CD sales, promote your music successfully
on MP3.com, get thousands of people to listen to your
music every day, accept credit cards (without a merchant
account), and optimize your web site for the search engines
all in one volume. Find out what online music marketing
ideas work and which are a waste of time and money!
The Indie Venue Bible
From the creators of The Indie Bible, comes The
Indie Venue Bible - a unique, comprehensive
directory of live music venues. It is in
electronic (.pdf) format and lists 26,000 venues
and 2000 booking agents in the US and Canada.
The listings are arranged by area, making
it easier for you to route and plan your tour. You'll
find thousands of coffee shops, restaurants,
house concerts, theaters, clubs, halls, churches
and book stores - any place you can land a gig!
There are also thousands of wonderful venues listed
in smaller towns that have been ignored by the mainstream
venue directories.
Indie Bible shows you where to get your music
reviewed and your songs played on the radio. It's no secret
that the Internet is a great way to get your music out
to the world. There's only one problem. The Internet is
so big it would literally take you thousands of hours
to find all of the places and people that are interested
in your music and are willing to help you and your band
out. A solution is finally here. It's called The Indie
Bible. |
How To Be Your Own Booking Agent: THE Musician's & Performing Artist's Guide To Successful Touring - This award-winning,
unique, step-by-step guide and resource book is
now available in its Revised 2nd Edition. Packed with
helpful hot tips, savvy advice from industry professionals,
realistic methods and action plans enhanced by completely
updated resource sections following every chapter including
recommended books, directories, web sites, businesses,
new conferences and much more, this truly is the Musician’s & Performing
Artist’s Guide To Successful Touring. |
Digidesign M1 - Pro Tools Method One DVD - The Method One training DVD is designed to help you with your Digidesign Pro Tools HD, Pro Tools LE, or Pro Tools M-Powered system by familiarizing you with the vast capabilities of the industry's most popular digital audio workstation. Certified Pro Tools expert instructor and composer Eddie Heidenreich explains core concepts and techniques from setting up sessions and recording audio to editing MIDI, working with loops and plug-ins, and automating mixes. |
Rock House Learn Rock Guitar: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced (3-DVD package) - This Rock House Video Lesson DVD will take through all the learning stages to help you become a competent and proficient guitarist. This program is designed for someone with little or no experience. It begins at the roots of Rock with an easy to follow look at basic Rock chords, scales, lead patterns, and exercises. Learn key components of lead guitar, the basics of Blues, and the foundation of Rock. By the end of this program you'll be playing complete rhythms, leads, and songs! Go through Rock and Metal scales in depth. An entire exercise program designed to build finger strength and coordination. There are advanced chords and rhythms with bass and drum backing tracks, arpeggios, bi-dextral hammer-ons, and many other rock techniques. |
Robben Ford Back to the Blues DVD -
Learn the blues from the most creative blues player of the last 2 decades! Both Robben Ford Back to the Blues DVDs (Parts 1 and 2) are packaged together. In Part 1, Robben teaches and demonstrates many of his superb and tasty chordal and improvising ideas for both the major and minor blues. With tab booklet. (90 min). In Part 2, Robben demonstrates contemporary blues concepts including comping and soloing for a swing blues and a one-chord blues vamp. He discusses how to be more melodic using triads, good phrasing, and simplicity. He also talks about his influences, guitars, stage set-up, and how to get that good sound. With tab booklet. (90 min.) |