A pocket guide to the untold stories, the stars, the hits, the movies, and the trivia of pop culture.
The Alfred Rough Guide to Cult Pop is devoted to pop music: the tacky, catchy, and yet enduring
music we grew up with when we should have been listening to something more profound. This fascinating book celebrates the
hits, the singers, the impresarios, and the songs that have made up the soundtrack to our lives. So put on your blue suede
shoes (or your tartan trousers or puffball skirt) and take a stroll down Electric Avenue with this handy pocket guide.
in Rough Guide to Cult Pop include information about how technology shaped pop music, the stories behind chart-topping
pop songs, lists of essential pop trivia, background stories of the people who made pop music what it is today, lists of funny
pop artifacts like Michael Jackson's sleeping bag, what happens when Hollywood and pop music collide, plus 50 years of pop
music history compressed chronologically.
Alfred The Rough Guide to Cult Pop (Book) Features:
- Text editor: Paul Simpson
- Book length: 336 pages
Want to read more about your favorite pop music stars? Order today!
Alfred The Rough Guide to Cult Pop (Book) Specifications: