A collection of Masterwork Canons for Rehearsal and Perfomance Throughout the Year
This collection contains 21 canons and rounds from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classic and Romantic periods
with both secular and sacred texts. Optional keyboard and handbell accompaniments are provided. Perfect for church or school
use. Create your own flexibly voiced arrangements from 2 to 6 parts with choirs of all sizes and ages, with or without instruments.
28 pages.
Alfred Classic Canons Volume II (Book) Features:
Songs Included:
Come, Follow Me; Amen (Friends Sing Together); Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
(Tallis' Canon); O Come Adore The Newborn King (All Welcome Now The Lovely May); He Is Risen (Alleluia); Go and Serve the
Lord With Gladness (Hear the Merry Bells Now Ringing); Alleluia (by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart); Come To Us, Holy Spirit, Come
(Viva La Musica); Come and Sing; Amen (Gloria); When Jesus Wept; Jesus, Have Mercy (Hava Nashira); The Lord Comes (We Sing
A Merry Song); Go Now In Peace (Shalom Chaverim); A Song Of Glad Tidings; Alleluia (by William Boyce); Praise the Lord's Mighty
Name in Song (Laudate nomen Domini); Christ Is Risen From The Dead (Sing Together, Fa,La,La)
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