Fast, explosive response!
With a double ring of response-enhancing holes, this thin radical Ozone Crash Cymbal responds rapidly
with a combination of bright explosion and dirty agitation.
APX, a professional cymbal series, is from award-winning
sound innovators: Sabian. The sheer attack of APX cuts through any music. To create this intensity, Sabian introduced new
production processes that also result in a unique appearance for these cymbals. Featuring a 'High-Decibel' design the APX
Ozone cymbal sounds super-bright, tonally tight, focused, and aggressive beyond belief to rip through rock-heavy grooves and
blistering power chords like a laser through darkness. With the APX cymbal, nothing gets in your way.
APX cymbals are
ideal for cutting through the raging guitars, heavy riffing and high-powered output of hard rock and heavy metal bands. Top
drummers already playing APX include Ray Luzier (Korn), Neil Sanderson (Three Days Grace), George Kollias (Nile), John Kelly
(Type-O Negative), and Rich Beddoe (Finger Eleven).
Gives you dark and dirty as well as light and bright. Order today.