Incredible technology at a great price.
Kontrol Screen drumheads are an alternative drumhead technology Hart Dynamics has been working on since
the early '90s. They are the next generation of mesh drumhead technology and are as close to their Mylar (acoustic drumhead)
counterparts as it gets. These heads feature incredible feel, durability, virtually silent operation, and are manufactured
exclusively for Hart by Aquarian U.S.A., using Hart Dynamic's proprietary material and specifications.
Kontrol heads
are custom designed to fit properly on all acoustic and electronic drums. Install them on acoustic sets to practice without
excessive volume or replace the heads on your electronic drums for unsurpassed feel, sensitivity, dynamics, and durability.
Hart Dynamics Kontrol Screen Magnum Drumhead Features:
- Improved mesh drumhead technology
- Incredible feel, extreme durability, and virtually silent operation
- Custom designed to fit properly on all acoustic and electronic drums
- Quiet practice heads for acoustic sets or replacement heads for electronic sets
Buy today for the most realistic feel ever made.