Independent Musician's Number One Resource
 The Indie Bible lists
THOUSANDS of places where you can get your music REVIEWED and your songs PLAYED on the radio. ALL genres of
music are covered!
The contacts listed are music reviewers and radio personalities
from around the world that will listen to your music,
and if they like it, will present it to their readers
and listeners. The Indie Bible shows you where to promote
your music, regardless of your musical style, and will
save you MONTHS of valuable time!
The Indie Bible is over
340 pages and contains:
- 4200 Publications
that will REVIEW your CD
- 3600 Radio
Stations/Shows that will PLAY your songs
- 600 Labels and
Distrubutors looking to SIGN artists
- 500 Websites
where you can UPLOAD your MP3 and Video files
- 49 articles
that will help your career to MOVE forward rapidly!
Authors include Tim Sweeney, Daylle Deanna Schwartz,
Jeri Goldstein, Brian Austin Whitney, Derek Sivers,
Diane Rapaport, Janet Fisher, Jodi Krangle, Lord Litter
and many more!
Big Meteor Publishing is fully responsible
for all transactions and fulfillment