To Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet!

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step-by-step guide to online music promotion will provide
you with all the knowledge you need to sell music on the
Internet! Find out how and where to target visitors most
likely to buy your music, increase your CD sales via the
web, promote your music successfully using Internet radio,
accept credit cards (without a merchant account), optimize
your web site for the search engines and much more!
"I am an experienced web surfer...but I never could
have imagined that so much more existed out there than
what I already knew. I made so much progress after reading
it in the ensuing week that I think that the book saved
me at least 6 months of toil and trouble on the web." - Spike Spencer
"You don't know how much I wish I had picked your book
about 12 months ago! Yikes, I could have saved some time
and money and aggravation!" - Cory Gabel
"Just started looking at the PDF of your book (How to Promote
Your Music), and it is OUTSTANDING! It's already FAR exceeded
my expectations... Way to go! It's (potentially) worth a lot
more than you're charging for it ..". - Jim Guinness -
Atlantic Winds
If you want to sell your music on the net in any form, this
book will teach you how to design and market a web site that
will not only sell music, but bring in the extra income you
need to invest properly in your music career! The author,
a musician just like yourself, currently brings in over $5000 a month selling CDs, products, information
and advertising from his various web sites! 'How to Promote
Your Music Successfully on the Internet' shows you exactly
how he did it!
But, money isn't everything. This book will also show you
how to target your audience to gain pure, powerful exposure
to thousands of new listeners. The more contacts you make,
the more you can network, the more opportunity you will have
to plug your music!
"I am absolutely loving 'How to Promote Your Music Successfully
on the Internet!" I've been looking for exactly the information
that you have provided me with, and would have gladly have
paid 10 times what I did for it! I haven't been able to
stop reading it all night!" - Tim White
"I want to say thank you for all your hard work. I've
never seen a how-to marketing book with so much usable
content for a serious web site promoter." - Marshall Nelson
Listen to what industry insiders are saying about this powerful
"Sometimes, every great once in a while, a book comes along
and just takes you by surprise. What you expect to be a mundane,
albeit educational experience can make you sit up and take
notice if you're not careful. This was the case when I read
"How to Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet" by
Midnight Rain Productions. Attention indie artists � if you
don't know how to promote your music on the Internet, this
is the book for you. For those of you who think you know how
to promote your music on the Internet, get this book anyway
� I promise you'll learn things you did not know."
- Michele Wilson-Morris, MusicDish
"Coming across the 'musicbizacademy.com' website
was one big find, but once there, finding their excellent
study on selling and promoting music on the Internet was
the best discovery of the year. As far as I know no one
has such an up-to-date and accurate description of what
it takes to be a cyber marketing expert. The best money
I ever spent!"
- Christopher Knab - FourFront
Media and Music
Electronic Book (*PDF) (Includes 1 Free PDF Update)
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