Austin Diaries: Four Days at South by Southwest
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Wednesday, March 13, 2002 - So, here I am, on the
plane about to land in Austin, Texas for my first South by
Southwest festival and convention. I have never been to Austin
before, and I have no idea what to expect. I am pretty pumped
to be going down to attend this, and who knows what�s going
to happen or who I might meet while I�m there? I�m psyched
to see the keynote address tomorrow that Robbie Robertson
will be giving, and to get into the trade show with Steve
to man the OnlineRock booth. Of course, I�m also psyched by
the prospect of four straight days of music, hundreds of bands
in dozens of bars, and Bar B-Q! Lots and lots of the best
Texas Bar B-Q we can eat! Will this be the �Big Rock and Roll
Adventure� for us? Will OnlineRock grow by leaps and bounds
as a result of our appearance here? Will we find the �Next
Big Thing� in a bar in Austin? Will Steve and I get tattooed
and pierced and leave our wives and children?
Ahh, the Rock and Roll life, man. Anything goes and anything�s
possible, living on the edge with limitless energy and all
set to a live Rock soundtrack. It just doesn�t get any better!
At least that�s how it feels right now, building it all up
in my head with no care for reality. But reality is only a
ghost in the basement right now, and not something to be overly
concerned about. Rock has a way of displacing reality, anyway.
It�s going to be four days with the pedal to the metal, and
the brakes just don�t work once you get up a good head of
steam. Who cares about reality! Who needs sleep!
Before the plane lands and the revelry begins; I realize
there is one problem that Rock and Roll can�t solve, I need
to take a leak! But I�m in the window seat of a completely
packed and cramped Airbus 320, with two very large people
asleep in the seats next to me, and the seats in front of
me are set all the back. No way out!! Maybe I can hold it
until we get to Austin??? Not likely, not after three vodka
tonics. I�m going to have to wake them up! I think I�ll resume
my writing later.
OK, it�s time to resume! It�s 3:00 am and I�m back in the
hotel now. No, I�m not tired, thanks for asking. I landed
in Austin around 10:45, got my baggage, and hailed a cab.��
The weird thing about the airport is that as you go walking
through from the gate to the baggage carousel, they have all
these guitars in cases along the way. I saw a wild looking
Les Paul that once belonged to Billy Gibbons sitting in a
glass case. To tell you the truth though, I hate to see guitars
in glass cases. Pretty much for the same reason I hate Zoo�s;
you see these beautiful living things imprisoned and unable
to do what they were put here on earth to do! You know that
awesome Les Paul will never make a piercing Blues cry ever
again, and that makes me sad. I�ve decided that liberating
all the imprisoned guitars is a noble and worthy cause, wherever
they are. But I don�t think the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
would take to kindly to someone smashing all their displays
and running off with the axes, what do you think? Anyway,
I�m head rushing, sorry! Let me tell ya about my first night
in Austin.
I get my cab and tell the cabbie in my best Edward G. Robinson
impersonation, �The Driskill Hotel, and step on it!� The cab
driver turns his head around to look at me and asks in a voice
obviously very impressed, �The Driskill? No problem sir, that
is like the best hotel in Austin. I believe that is where
President Clinton stayed when he stayed in Austin. Right away,
�Oh great�, I think to myself, �now he�s going to expect
a big tip from me!� I�m here on a pretty tight budget, but
apparently Steve wants to stay in deluxe accommodations, and
that is fine with me. So we drive in from the airport, and
it�s still very warm out. The cab driver has the windows cracked,
and I�m glad he does as I can feel the nice breeze in the
back. The air has that smell of a warm summer night, as well
as a particular scent; a very flowery fragrance permeating
the night that I will come to understand is normal for Austin
in the spring. I love it, and this weather sure beats the
55-degree rain I left in San Jose!
As we pull up in front of the Driskill, I can hear the music
blaring. The Driskill is situated on the corner of Sixth and
Brazos, and a lot of the clubs hosting music during this event
line both sides of Sixth Street. As I pay the cabbie (He got
a good tip, ah, what the hell!) and grab my bags, I hear the
sound of grunge coming from a club kitty corner across from
the hotel. I hear an acoustic guitar from closer range, and
turn to see a girl singer busking in the street. She�s got
a PA and she�s belting it out, sounds pretty good. From further
down I hear a band crankin� out the metal jams, and some Texas
boogie comes wafting in from another direction. I haven�t
even gotten to a regulation bar yet, and already I�m listening
to a bunch of great stuff! But, I gotta hurry if I want to
go club hopping tonight.� It�s 11:15 and I have to pick up
my badge at the convention center and they close at midnight.
So I pick up my pace and beat it into the Driskill, and over
to the piano bar where Steve is waiting.
Steve is sitting at the piano, drinking a martini and talking
to the piano player, Kirk Hale. I run my stuff upstairs real
quick, while Steve orders a martini for me. He said it would
only take about ten minutes to walk down to the convention
center, so we have plenty of time, and that sounds good to
me, I need a martini. As I�m sitting with Steve at the piano
listening to Kirk play us his repertoire of classic Steely
Dan and Todd Rundgren tunes, I begin to tune into the elegance
of the Driskill. The bar is quite large, and the ceiling is
impressive. I learn from Kirk that it is only painted, but
it looks like real stamped copper, they did a great job. The
furniture is Ethan Allen chic, and over by the hallway that
leads to the elevator there is the head of a bull, with huge
horns, mounted on the wall. It says to all the guests, yes,
this is a chic hotel, but it�s a chic hotel Texas style!
We finish our martinis and scoot on down to the convention
center to get my badge. Steve wants to head over to Stubbs,
a Bar B-Q place with a big stage in the back, to see Junior
Brown later. So we walk the few blocks down to the convention
center and it takes about 30 seconds to snag my badge, and
we are on our way. The first stop is a little bar called the
Rehab, and a nondescript band is playing some nondescript
Nirvana-esque rock. We hang for about ten minutes, which is
all the time they had left in their set. The small crowd seemed
to like them, but I thought they were pretty unoriginal. We
head out down the street, and as I hadn�t had any dinner,
I grab a slice of pizza. It�s pretty decent pizza, and I inhale
it as I take in the street scene on Sixth. There are a some
kids dressed like circus performers leaping about in the middle
of the street, one girl is trying to juggle but is not having
much success. The balls keep hitting the pavement, and when
your balls hit the pavement, that�s not a good thing! There
is a small group of onlookers standing in front of the Hard
Rock Caf�, laughing. There is a line to get into the Hard
Rock, so we decide to blow it off and keep moving.
We keep going past a succession of small clubs on Sixth,
past places with names like The Black Cat, The Drink, Gatsby�s,
Maggie Mae�s, The Vibe, etc. Sixth Street is literally lined
on both sides by live music clubs, and each of them has a
band going, full tilt boogie! Is this what heaven is like?
I�ve never seen a scene like this in all my life, even Haight
Street in SF during it�s second hey-day in the eighties was
never like this. We keep on going until we reach a street
named Red River, and hang a left into the Plush Room, where
a rootsy rock group is holding court. We stay there long enough
to have another drink, and then bail. They were all right,
but again, nothing too original. (This scenario would be repeated
over and over during the next three nights; enter club, hear
band. Leave within ten minutes. Whatever band it was, they
all sounded too much like their influences, and not enough
like themselves, with few exceptions. More on that later)
So we head on down Red River to Stubbs to catch what was left
of Junior Browns set.
Stubbs is a Bar B-Q joint like no other I know. It�s down
home and funky, and the brisket is out of this world. They
also know how to make a good martini! But if you go around
back, they have a great outdoor stage setup. Stubbs had some
of the bigger names of the festival playing on their stage,
guys like Junior Brown, Johnny Lang, Robert Bradley and Jerry
Cantrell, late of Alice In Chains. We flashed our badges (if
you have either a badge or wristband you can get into the
official SXSW gigs for free) and walked back just in time
to catch the last 30 minutes of Junior Browns set.
The first thing you notice about Junior Brown is his guitar.
It�s a weird custom made (I heard Junior made it himself.)
thing that�s a double neck guitar, but not your standard six-string/twelve
string combo. It�s got a regular six-string guitar on top,
and the bottom is some kind of steel/slide guitar. He doesn�t
strap it on either, it sits on a stand and he plays it from
behind the stand. Now, there�s something original, dammit!
He played a great all instrumental medley for the end of his
show, and he sounded like a countrified Dick Dale as he quoted
bits of Secret Agent Man, the theme from Bonanza, and all
manner of surf styled ditties, finally ending up with a country/surf
version of Foxy Lady! It was after one o�clock when his set
ended, and Steve and I moseyed back toward the hotel. Mosey
is what you do when you are in Texas, and mosey we did, checking
out the other bars, and the scene in general, cruising back
up Sixth Street at a leisurely pace, soaking up the atmosphere.
What a great beginning to our Austin adventure. Tomorrow:
The Show!
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