Art of Networking
I suppose
it is possible to become a successful musician entirely on your own.
To teach yourself how to play an instrument, write songs and learn
all you need to know about sound engineering without ever leaving
the comfort of your home studio. Then again, it is always possible
to win the lottery !
But if
you are trying to have a career in music without the help and input
of others then, youll find less success than those who scratch
their lotto tickets will. If you truly wish to have a career in music,
you have to use any and all tools at your disposal. A musicians biggest
asset (or liability as the case may be) is himself. A musicians drive,
determination and zeal are just as important as talent. And a musician
who knows this and harnesses this energy in pursuit of a career puts
him or herself directly on the path to success.
So, if
youre driven enough to produce your own music in the first place,
and youre determined enough to perform for the largest possible
audience, then network ! This oft-ridiculed term is a very useful
means of advancing your career and will get you a lot further than
you realize. As you begin to build up a "network" of music-related
acquaintances, you develop a pool of expertise from which you can
draw. Youll soon have other musicians to play with, and key
contacts in clubs , music stores , recording studios and promotional
organizations. These are the people who can help you all the way from
forming your own band to getting gigs ,equipment and record company
All this
is achieved by " hanging out" and participating in your
local music scene. It only requires time and socializing, a small
price to pay when you consider the upside potential. For example,
if there are clubs that you would like to play in, go hang out when
local bands are playing. Talk to some of the guys that are playing
that night to find out who books the acts and go find that person
to ask about their booking policies and how much they pay, etc. When
you play in a club, dont just show up, play your set and leave.
Instead, come early and hang out and talk to some of the other musicians
that are playing that night; buddy up with the sound man (if the house
runs the sound), chat up the bartenders and the owners. In general,
make yourself a presence that people will remember! And be sure to
make a mental note for anyone you think can be helpful to you. Inevitably,
you will make new friends who could prove invaluable in future musical
If you
are looking for other musicians to play with, a good place to hang
is a rehearsal facility. Also, music stores are great places to meet
other players . Find out about any events where musicians will be
and be there , too. And if any clubs in your area have "open
mike" nights, these are great forums for meeting and playing
with other musicians.
No, networking
is not a dirty word or just a bunch of computers hooked up to each
other. It is simply a way to develop relationships with helpful and
influential people, and, if you are serious about a career in music,
leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of it!
Virtual Musician |